Tuesday, October 6, 2015

XBox IE and Angular dynamic styles

Some errata for you:

I was testing an application across some tablets, laptops and phones, and found some of the usual required UI tweaks to make bootstrap a little more cooperative and so on, but this one I just ran into and it seems particular to IE on XBox, which I tested just for the heck of it.

I had coded up the styles inline to get it right before moving it to CSS; this was just me working through it quickly, so I know that the second way here is more correct, and that switching
on the ng-class is typically preferred.

If you set a style dynamically this way, it won't work (only on XBox IE):

<div style="padding-top: 1px; background-color: {{ colors [ data.colorname ] }}">

If you set it this way, it will

<div ng-style="{ 'padding-top' : '1px', 'background-color' : colors [ data.colorname ] }">

The peculiarity is, whether or not it should be done this way, the first one works everywhere, on every phone, tablet, and laptop I had available to check it on (two macs, two PCs, two phones), but the background color did not render on XBox IE.

I changed to the second form and it worked fine.

Again, just some errata.

As always, thanks for visiting.


  1. Is it possible that there will come a day when all browsers will be so standardized that these tweaks will no longer be necessary?

  2. If they did, what would JavaScript developers do on weekends?
