Tuesday, October 6, 2015

XBox IE and Angular dynamic styles

Some errata for you:

I was testing an application across some tablets, laptops and phones, and found some of the usual required UI tweaks to make bootstrap a little more cooperative and so on, but this one I just ran into and it seems particular to IE on XBox, which I tested just for the heck of it.

I had coded up the styles inline to get it right before moving it to CSS; this was just me working through it quickly, so I know that the second way here is more correct, and that switching
on the ng-class is typically preferred.

If you set a style dynamically this way, it won't work (only on XBox IE):

<div style="padding-top: 1px; background-color: {{ colors [ data.colorname ] }}">

If you set it this way, it will

<div ng-style="{ 'padding-top' : '1px', 'background-color' : colors [ data.colorname ] }">

The peculiarity is, whether or not it should be done this way, the first one works everywhere, on every phone, tablet, and laptop I had available to check it on (two macs, two PCs, two phones), but the background color did not render on XBox IE.

I changed to the second form and it worked fine.

Again, just some errata.

As always, thanks for visiting.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Acronyms in Angular Directive names

Here's an interesting quick one.

Many industries live and breathe acronyms. So, it would be no surprise if they wanted to use them in directive names.

Say you were creating a management system. PM is a pretty standard acronym for Project Manager.

If you name your directive this:


Then what you might expect, with Angular doing its funky "you wrote it this way but we'll divide it up with dashes this way" thing:


Nope. You will have to use it like this as a directive (assuming attribute restriction in the directive itself):


Or, rename the directive:


Angular evidently does not recognize all-caps acronyms. Certainly not a deal breaker, but I'd like to think that if I was building out that mechanism within Angular I'd have thought of this one.

If there is a solution to this that is very straightforward and uses the framework as-is, nobody I asked is aware of it.

Yes...I am aware of the documentation and spec for this. My point is that a little case detection in the mechanism could solve it. Perhaps a good interview question.

There is also no debug error of course. One of the frustrating things about using directives is, any typo and it just won't work, but nothing will tell you why. A test can fail, but it won't tell you that you declared the markup incorrectly or that the directive didn't start up (why would it). It's one of those sort of old school "you just have to know" things. Ultimately you could probably write a test to figure that out but...well, I don't have all day to toy around with creative tests.

As always, thanks for visiting.