Friday, February 3, 2012

JS: Why not just use [fill in name] framework?

I get this question when I discuss why I'm working on my own JS framework.

There's a lot of great frameworks out there nowadays; MooTools seems to be the emerging favorite. The PureMVC port uses it, all kinds of other component sets and whatnot seem to find it useful, so you end up installing it along with certain libraries, and so forth. Prototype, Backbone, YUI, and any number of other ones that are the thing du jour, are cropping up and so on.

I've been in development for about 20 years now. In that time, I've seen a LOT of frameworks, many of which no longer exist, and many that caused a lot of headaches in the long run, especially if community support or interest in them fizzled out.

To that end, I've decided, as a developer:

- Frameworks are a good thing as far as consistency, integration of developers into a codebase, and so forth. In fact, I have seen this benefit realized so absolutely, that there is no doubt in my mind that your typical project will benefit from at least some degree of plumbing framework.
- Frameworks can become a problematic thing if developers are allowed to work around, or abandon, the framework.
- Frameworks can be a horrible thing if you picked the wrong one, and/or your developers just stop using it because they think it's unnecessary.
- Frameworks should be unobtrusive; you should barely even know it's there if you're not using it, and it should add very little bulk to your codebase.

As a qualifier, I'm not talking about component frameworks. I'm talking about architectural frameworks.

So, I've come to believe, that along with a framework, comes the responsibility of educating your developers in it's use, and ensuring they use it. This means reviewing their code and making sure they're not cheating (e.g. instead of using a notification and/or event to exchange info, they are accessing "parent" see this ALL the time, "because it's easier/less/code/some-other-rookie-reason").

What's my point?

At this time, the notion of the "real" JavaScript developer, is still fairly immature. Crockford's book pretty much rules the roost as far as how to "think" in terms of JavaScript. This statement may not seem true to the Sencha engineers or Yahoo guys. But for your typical developer out there, particularly transitioning from the world of ActionScript, the path to writing solid, consistent code, and what tools to use, is unclear. Aside from JQuery for DOM manipulation, nothing is certain.

The biggest problem appears to be, the nature of JavaScript itself. It's about using functions as objects, and dynamically altering those objects to be useful in the context you need it for. Duck typing, shallow hierarchies, and such are what JavaScript is all about.

But...most developers aren't used to that, and many frameworks attempt to hide this way of thinking in favor of providing an artificial structure that "programmers" are more comfortable with, that being, classes, inheritance, interfaces, and so forth.

At this point in time, I think that's a mistake. We need to learn to think in JavaScript first, and find out how we can avoid mistakes we've made in the past with things like AS1 (excessive prototype manipulation, being dynamic to the point of being unable to tell one object from another without extensive duck typing and/or "flag programming", abuse of globals, etc.) while at the same time evolving the known patterns we're all familiar with to take advantage of strengths JavaScript offers, particularly, what exactly the power of "functions as first class", and the differences in how JavaScript resolves scope, means.

So to that end, I'm writing my own framework, with what I know about UI development and what I've observed over the years works (and doesn't), without losing site of the fundamental nature of ECMAScript development, which is different than classic OOP. Call it FOP (Function Oriented Programming), or what have you. But don't try to turn it into something it's not.

If you've concluded at this point that I'm some kind of framework hater, you're wrong. I have used PureMVC and RobotLegs extensively, have background in Cairngorm (which was never a good idea for UI dev imho) and experimented with many others. I like RobotLegs the best for one main reason; it is unobtrusive. It can live in your app and you can use it, or not use it, and easily combine it with other libraries. And it use EXTREMELY useful, and EXTREMELY powerful. This is in contrast to say, JSExt, which basically requires that you become a JSExt developer. Again, I have worked with JSExt a bit, and it's powerful and useful. If you're project is right for it, the benefit will be great. But it's hardly unobtrusive.

My indicators of success for my own framework will be:

- It should not require any other library unless that library has been proven stable for years and is in massive adoption by the community and the enterprise (e.g. JQuery, which my framework uses).
- It should be small. Very small. Hopefully, a handful of utility classes and possible a couple of prototype mods, but that's it.
- It should be powerful.
- It should foster decoupling and encapsulation of concerns.
- It should be repeatable and consistent.
- It should not hide the fundamental nature of javascript, which has nothing to do with classes as we know them.
- Other developers should find the paradigm familiar, e.g. more-or-less MVC.

So far, so good. I'm working on a very large project, currently in AS, and helping the company develop the strategy to go to JS/HTML (what many incorrectly call "an HTML5 app", which has the same meaning to me that the "Web 2.0" moniker had).

As always, thanks for visiting.